How do I connect extensions to devices?

Below we explain how to connect extensions to end devices in the Cloud PBX.

The routing of the Cloud PBX is extremely flexible because it consists of two components. On the one hand there is the phone number or extension and on the other hand the end device or end device account.

By flexibly linking these two components, you can quickly and easily customize the routing of your Cloud PBX to your requirements.

We’ll show you how.

1. Open Cloud Telefonanlage

Please log in to your easybell-customer-portal. 

Please click on “Cloud PBX” under “Phone settings”. This will take you to the overview page of your Cloud PBX

2. Edit extensions

In the “Extensions and call groups” area, please select the extension that you want to link to one or more end devices.

Click on “Edit” next to the corresponding call number.

3. Basic settings

You are now in the overview of your selected extension / call group and can edit it as usual.

4. Edit devices

Please scroll down to the “devices” area and click on “Edit” next to “Assign devices”.

5. Assign devices

A new window appears in which you can now add existing end devices to the “Assigned end devices” column by clicking on them.

If you want to add more devices, please read “How do I set up devices in my Cloud Telefonanlage?”.

6. Finalise setup

Once you have made all your desired settings, complete the process by clicking the “Save” button.

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